Set the Default App For Opening a File On a Mac

,2024年5月22日—請開啟MacAppStore以購買和下載App。Opener-OpenWebsitesinApp4+.BigPineappleLLC.專為iPad設計.5.0•1則評分.免費;提供App內購買 ...,DownloadtheversionofGoTothat'srightforyourMac.·Openandrunthedownloadedinstallfile.·Followtheon-screeninstr...。參考影片的文章的如下:


在App Store 上的「Opener

2024年5月22日 — 請開啟Mac App Store 以購買和下載App。 Opener - Open Websites in App 4+. Big Pineapple LLC. 專為iPad 設計. 5.0 • 1 則評分. 免費; 提供App 內購買 ...

How do I download and install the GoTo app?

Download the version of GoTo that's right for your Mac. · Open and run the downloaded install file. · Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the ...

Change the default application that opens a file

In the Finder -- or on your desktop -- right-click on the file for which you want to change the default application. · On the resulting pop-up dialog box, select ...

The Unarchiver

The Unarchiver is the only app you need to open RAR on Mac. It's times more powerful than the native macOS utility and supports infinitely more archive formats.

Open Winmail.dat, MSG, and XPS files

The application to open Winmail.dat, MSG and XPS files with a simple double-click. Try the full version 14 days for free!

How to Fix a Mac Application That's Not Opening

2024年6月13日 — Mac apps that fail to work may be suffering from incorrect file permissions or corrupt preference files. These tips should fix your app ...

5 Quick and Easy Ways to Open Apps on Mac

2022年3月24日 — Spotlight is the fastest way to open any app on your Mac. Just press Cmd + Space to invoke Spotlight Search, type in the app's name, and press ...


,2024年5月22日—請開啟MacAppStore以購買和下載App。Opener-OpenWebsitesinApp4+.BigPineappleLLC.專為iPad設計.5.0•1則評分.免費;提供App內購買 ...,DownloadtheversionofGoTothat'srightforyourMac.·Openandrunthedownloadedinstallfile.·Followtheon-screeninstructionstocompletethe ...,IntheFinder--oronyourdesktop--right-clickonthefileforwhichyouwanttochangethedefaultapplication.·Ontheresultingpop-updialogbox...